We are the Church of God at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania.
In the Church of God, our doctrines are important. They define who we are and provide a framework by which we live our lives. Because doctrine is so important, it’s important to know that each doctrine is rooted firmly in the Word of God and not simply popular opinion.
We have found that basing our lives upon the Word of God was the best decision we have ever made! God’s Word provides a firm foundation that enables us to weather the storms of life and gives guidance through life’s many decisions.
Below is a brief overview of what we as a congregation and as a church believe. We encourage you to visit us to see and hear for yourself because it can be difficult to cover everything here.
We believe that God would have us – and enables us – to live without sin right now (Mt. 1:21; Ro. 6; 1 Jn. 1,2). In order for one to live without sin (known as living holy), one must repent of their committed sins (Is. 55:7).
Sin is simply doing that which God condemns or not doing what he requires (1 Jn. 3:4). The things that God condemns and requires are clearly described in the Bible which is why it’s important for everyone to know their Bible.
Repentance indicates a sorrow for committed sin and a complete forsaking of sin. Repentance is known as the first of Two Works of Grace and places us in a justified state before God. Repentance was taught by Jesus while he was here on the Earth (Mk. 1:14-15)
Once one has repented and is saved, they can now live without sin in holiness. Holiness is the standard by which God requires we live our lives (1 Pe. 1:15-16). God’s desire is that they go on unto Sanctification which is known as the Second Work of Grace and can only be obtained by one who has already repented and is living holy.
God’s Word also teaches unity among His people (Ep 4:1-16). This unity is a direct result of being saved (having repented) and being sanctified.
The Word of God clearly teaches that God only has one church: the Church of God which is the only church name mentioned in the Bible (Mt. 16:18; Ac. 20:28).
We know that God will send Christ back for his Church and that will mark the end of time (Jn. 14:1-3). At Christ’s coming, everyone will be judged according to their spiritual standing and receive their eternal reward accordingly (Re.22:12).
We don’t know when Christ will come back so it’s important that we be ready (II Pe. 3:10). One thing we do know, no man knows the day nor the hour of Christ’s return (Mt. 24:35-37).